New York Regulator Reaffirms Decision Approving Calpine’s 124-Megawatt Wind Project

New York Regulator Reaffirms Approval of Innogy’s 242 Megawatt Wind Project

The New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment on Sept. 3 denied petitions seeking rehearing of the agency’s decision permitting Baron Winds LLC to construct a 242-megawatt wind energy project in Steuben County. Petitioners challenged the approval of amendments to the siting permit in May on grounds that the board did…...

RGGI Carbon Auction Sells Out, Allowance Prices Hit Five-Year High

RGGI Carbon Auction Sells Out, Allowance Prices Hit Five-Year High

The 49th quarterly carbon auction of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, the nation’s first market-based program to cut power sector emissions, sold nearly 16.2 million carbon allowances at a clearing price of $6.82, according to a Sept. 4 news release. The clearing price is the highest since the December 2015 auction, which cleared at $7.50.…

Utilities Continue Plans to Accelerate Phase-Out of Coal-Fired Generation

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – Utilities Continue Plans to Accelerate Phase-Out of Coal-Fired Generation

Proposals to accelerate the phase-out of coal-fired generation appear more prominently in long-term resource plans of U.S. electric utilities, reflecting the growing shift to renewable energy. The transition from coal continues to be driven by state clean energy mandates, emissions reduction goals, low natural gas prices, and increased availability of low-cost renewables and storage resources.

Resource Plan for Carolinas Examines Options to Accelerate Coal Plant Retirements

Duke Energy’s 15-Year Resource Plan for Carolinas Examines Options to Accelerate Coal Plant Retirements

Duke Energy Carolinas LLC and Duke Energy Progress LLC on Sept. 1 unveiled their 15-year integrated resource plans for the Carolinas, presenting a range of scenarios with accelerated coal retirement options and substantial increases in solar, wind, and energy storage technologies. The proposal details six generation portfolios that would keep Duke Energy Corp. on a…...

U.S. EPA Reverses Finding That Formed Basis for Obama-Era Power Plant Mercury Rules

California Takes Steps to Ensure Equity for Disadvantaged Communities in Climate Adaptation Strategies

The California Public Utilities Commission on Aug. 27 issued a decision providing guidelines on how regulated energy utilities should address vulnerabilities caused by climate change and engage with disadvantaged communities on adaptation measures. The decision ensures equitability by requiring utilities to minimize the climate-related impacts of infrastructure, operations, and service changes for the most vulnerable…...

Increased Focus on Clean Energy Prompts Wholesale Power Markets to Weigh Carbon Pricing

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – Increased Focus on Clean Energy Prompts Wholesale Power Markets to Weigh Carbon Pricing

There is a growing interest in how carbon pricing can be incorporated into wholesale power markets as more jurisdictions embrace policy goals to transition to a lower-carbon power system. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has scheduled a technical conference to consider state adoption of mechanisms to price carbon emissions in regions with commission-jurisdictional electricity markets.

California Carbon Auction Rebounds, Generates $475 Million

California Carbon Auction Rebounds, Generates $475 Million

The twenty-fourth quarterly carbon auction held by California and Quebec sold nearly 89 percent of the carbon permits offered for current emissions, rebounding from a dip in the previous auction which sold only 37 percent, according to the results released on Aug. 25 by the California Air Resources Board. The auction generated about $474.4 million…...

100-Megawatt Solar Power Contract

Michigan Regulator Orders Utilities to File Distribution Plans to Advance Grid Modernization

The Michigan Public Service Commission on Aug. 20 ordered DTE Electric Co., Consumers Energy Co., and Indiana Michigan Power Co. to file electricity distribution and maintenance plans consistent with the goals set forth in MI Power Grid – Michigan’s grid modernization initiative.  MI Power Grid,  launched in October 2019 with support from Democratic Governor Gretchen…...

EnerKnol Research AE Visual Primer Value of DER 2020 08 25 Blog preview

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – Distributed Generation Compensation Evolves to Reflect Benefits With Greater Accuracy

Recently, state regulators have stepped up efforts to value distributed energy resources (DERs) more accurately while looking for ways to better reflect the costs they impose on the grid. Among recent actions, New York adopted a mechanism to move the market towards more cost-reflective rates, while California decided to include avoided transmission costs in the valuation, and Connecticut unveiled a study on quantifying the benefits of these resources.

U.S. Interior Department Leases in Arizona Solar Energy Zones Expected to Produce 825 Megawatts

New Jersey Examines Incentive Framework for Solar Successor Program

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities on August 11 released a draft report concerning the incentive levels required to support continued solar development while lowering costs to the state’s four million ratepayers. To attain incentive values that better align with the project types and maximize ratepayer savings, the report recommends transitioning away from the…...

U.S. Offshore Wind Industry Makes Strides as East Coast States Plan 5 Gigawatts of New Capacity

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – U.S. Offshore Wind Industry Makes Strides as East Coast States Plan 5 Gigawatts of New Capacity

The offshore wind industry continues to progress in the U.S. with East Coast states proceeding with new solicitations to procure capacity to meet their ambitious goals. New York and New Jersey are seeking to add nearly five gigawatts alongside offshore port infrastructure. Massachusetts is considering a bundled solicitation for generation and transmission in its next round of procurement. The industry’s growth has prompted federal regulators to examine whether existing frameworks in regional transmission organizations can accommodate offshore wind integration.

New Jersey Board Joins Prominent U.S. Offshore Wind Research Organization

New Jersey Extends Budget for Energy Efficiency, Offshore Wind Programs to Aid Economic Recovery

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities on July 29 approved an extension of the state’s Clean Energy Program budget through the end of September, consistent with the state’s extended fiscal year. The extended budget will allocate a total of $7 million for the fifth quarter of Fiscal Year 2020 to support renewable energy, energy…...