ARPA-E Issues OPEN 2015 Solicitation for Transformational Energy Projects

The DOE has announced $125M OPEN solicitation through ARPA-E to catalyze the advancement of transformational energy technologies. On January 7, 2015, the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) issued its third OPEN funding opportunity announcement (FOA) – OPEN 2015 – for up to $125M to support potentially disruptive new technologies…...

Utilities Cancel Cape Wind Power Contracts

The Cape Wind Project faces a major setback after losing power purchase agreements with National Grid and NSTAR. On January 7, 2015, National Grid and NSTAR announced a decision to cancel their Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with Cape Wind, citing Cape Wind’s failure to meet the December 31, 2014 deadline to close financing.  Cape Wind…...

New EPA Clean Power Plan Rulemaking Schedule Delays Compliance Deadlines

The EPA Clean Power Plan and new generation source emission rule finalization to mid-summer 2015 pushes back compliance deadlines. On January 7, 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a revised schedule to finalize rulemakings for power plant emission standards under its proposed Clean Power Plan.  The EPA intends to finalize the rules by mid-summer…...

California Governor Outlines 2030 Renewable Energy Goals

The proposed increase to 50 percent by 2030 could also result in indirect boost to energy storage industries. In his inaugural address on January 5, 2015, California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. proposed new initiatives to expand the state’s emissions reduction efforts under the AB 32 climate law and establish the next set of objectives…...

DOE Energy Efficiency Standards Projected to Save Consumers $78B

DOE’s efficiency standards will not slow demand, but could save up to $78 billion in electricity bills. On December 31, 2014, the Department of Energy (DOE) announced energy efficiency standards for general service fluorescent lamps (GSFLs) and automatic commercial ice makers (ACIMs), achieving its goal of finalizing 10 energy efficiency standards in 2014.  Together, the…...

[Report] 2014 Energy Policies Defined by Shift toward a Cleaner, More Reliable Grid

EPA’s Clean Power Plan, regional programs, and continued solar installation growth aim to improve state-level resource and grid reliability. The proposed Clean Power Plan and regional reliability programs will continue to influence an energy mix shift and electric system improvements in the coming years. The energy mix shift is also being pushed by fuel and…...

[Report] Demand Response Parity in Wholesale Markets Hinges on FERC 745 Outcome

Demand response (DR) performance in wholesale power markets has improved over the past six years, in part as a result of multiple FERC Orders. Removal of DR from organized electricity markets would favor generators through increased sales; this could lead to higher associated emissions and peak power prices. The Solicitor General has until January 15 to file…...

NY Governor Announces REDC Awards

Governor Cuomo has announced the 2014 REDC awards including funding for sustainability projects under the Cleaner, Greener Communities initiative. On December 12, 2014, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo awarded $709.2M for 852 statewide economic and community development projects through the Regional Economic Development Council’s (REDC) fourth round of funding.  Established in 2011, the REDC…...

NY Announces Milestones to Advance the REV Proceeding

Governor Cuomo has announced five initiatives consistent with the REV strategy to advance the local clean energy industry and modernize utility sector operations. On December 12, 2014, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced new clean energy initiatives consistent with the Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) strategy to spur innovation and investment, improve customer choice…...

[Report] Utilities Nationwide Adjust Rate Designs to Meet Changing Customer Demand

Utilities are increasingly pursuing rate design reform to earn revenue as kilowatt-hour demand growth flattens. As net energy-metered residential solar PV installation growth continues, utilities will be challenged with building and maintaining infrastructure with diminishing revenue streams. The fixed charge and net energy metering NEM compensation debate will continue as utilities fight for sustained revenue…...

[Report] New England Renewable Energy Policies Support Attractive Market

Federal tax incentives, strong state renewable portfolio standards, and associated renewable energy certificate programs facilitate regional installation growth. New England states must continuously analyze and update their RPS policies to ensure renewable energy growth, as developers currently rely on the standards and associated REC markets for project demand and financing. With federal and state policies…...

House Passes One-Year Tax Extender Bill

The House has passed a one-year extension of several tax provisions including the renewable energy production tax credit and several biofuel industry incentives. On December 3, 2014, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014 (H.R. 5771), a one-year tax extender package for several tax relief provisions that expired at…...