NY Announces Milestones to Advance the REV Proceeding

Governor Cuomo has announced five initiatives consistent with the REV strategy to advance the local clean energy industry and modernize utility sector operations. On December 12, 2014, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced new clean energy initiatives consistent with the Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) strategy to spur innovation and investment, improve customer choice…...

[Report] Utilities Nationwide Adjust Rate Designs to Meet Changing Customer Demand

Utilities are increasingly pursuing rate design reform to earn revenue as kilowatt-hour demand growth flattens. As net energy-metered residential solar PV installation growth continues, utilities will be challenged with building and maintaining infrastructure with diminishing revenue streams. The fixed charge and net energy metering NEM compensation debate will continue as utilities fight for sustained revenue…...

NY PSC Approves Con Edison BQDM Program

Approval of Con Edison’s BQDM Program is a significant step for the utility to pursue non-traditional infrastructure investments to meet local demand. On December 12, 2014, the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) issued an order in Case 14-E-0302 approving Consolidated Edison Company of New York Inc.’s (Con Edison) Brooklyn/Queens Demand Management (BQDM) Program to address overload…...

[Report] New England Renewable Energy Policies Support Attractive Market

Federal tax incentives, strong state renewable portfolio standards, and associated renewable energy certificate programs facilitate regional installation growth. New England states must continuously analyze and update their RPS policies to ensure renewable energy growth, as developers currently rely on the standards and associated REC markets for project demand and financing. With federal and state policies…...

[Report] Utilities Moving Toward Alternative Resource Investments

State utilities – such as New York’s Con Edison – are beginning to consider non-traditional infrastructure and resource investments to meet peak load. Distributed energy resources investments and increased customer engagement will help create a more diverse, resilient energy grid. Over the next year – and beyond – State PUCs and utilities will work closely…...

[Report] Non-Hydro Energy Storage Gaining Traction in Grid-Scale Applications

Non-hydro utility-scale energy storage solutions are landing record-setting contracts in multiple regions, marking a transition beyond small-scale ancillary services. Fast-reacting and flexible energy storage resources can efficiently provide ancillary services to free-up traditional generation assets for wholesale market participation. The U.S. Bicameral Task Force on Climate Change recently cited that by 2022, the worldwide demand…...

ISO New England Releases Annual Regional System Plan

ISO New England’s 2014 Regional System Plan underscores that retirements indicate the need for new resources to address future demand despite energy efficiency measures projected to flatten demand over time. On November 6, 2014, ISO New England (ISO-NE) issued the 2014 Regional System Plan, its annual guide on New England’s long term power-system planning efforts.  The…...

Federal Agencies Unveil Sustainability and Climate Adaptation Plans

The White House has released federal agencies’ sustainability and climate plans outlining methods to incorporate energy and climate considerations into their decision-making. On October 31, 2014 – the fifth anniversary of the 2009 Executive Order on Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance – the White House released federal agencies’ sustainability and climate change adaptation plans, detailing…...

DOE Funding to Support Solar Energy Grid Integration

The DOE has announced new funding to support cost-effective integration of distributed, on-site solar power systems to the electric grid. On October 29, 2014, the Department of Energy (DOE) announced $15M in funding to facilitate cost-effective and reliable distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) and energy storage to overcome challenges of increasing solar deployment – such as variability of…...

NYSERDA Partners with NY-BEST Members to Advance Energy Storage Innovation

NYSERDA has announced new partnerships with NY-BEST members to facilitate commercialization of innovative energy storage devices. On October 27, 2014, the New York Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) announced partnerships with nine member companies of the New York Battery and Energy Storage Technology (NY-BEST) Consortium to advance innovative energy storage research and development projects…...

U.S. Army and NREL Partner on Net-Zero Energy Pilot Program

The Army has partnered with NREL to install net-zero energy installations at nine pilot sites, potentially replacing eight percent of its current installation site energy supply with renewable energy. On October 27, 2014, the Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) announced a partnership with the U.S. Army to advance Net Zero Energy…...

New York Green Bank Begins Transactions

NY Green Bank’s initial transactions will produce more than $800M in investments supporting clean energy projects that would annually avoid 575,000 tons of carbon emissions. On October 22, 2014, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the NY Green Bank’s first seven transactions, which – supported and agreed to in principle – will produce more…...