U.S. Energy Department Proposes New Cost-Saving Furnace Efficiency Rule

U.S. Energy Department Proposes New Cost-Saving Furnace Efficiency Rule

The U.S. Energy Department on June 13 introduced new energy-efficiency standards for residential gas furnaces that would drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions and reduce consumers’ energy costs every year. The new initiative would demand that all non-weatherized gas furnaces, as well as furnaces installed in mobile households, have a yearly fuel efficiency of 95 percent…....

President Biden Commits U.S. to Achieve 50 Percent Emissions Reductions in 2030

U.S. Energy Department Examines Reforms to Loan Guarantee Program Rule

The U.S. Energy Department’s Loan Program Office issued a request for information on June 1 to update and improve its Title XVII Innovative Technologies Loan Guarantee Program intended to support early commercial use of advanced technologies. The agency seeks feedback from various stakeholders including developers, investors, government agencies, academia, and impacted communities. The input will…...

U.S. Supreme Court Allows Use of Social Cost of Carbon

U.S. Supreme Court Allows Use of Social Cost of Carbon

The U.S. Supreme Court on May 26 rejected a petition from a coalition of states led by Louisiana to block the use of the social cost of carbon, or SCC, estimates that federal agencies were directed to incorporate in their environmental analyses of major actions by an executive order that President Joe Biden issued in…...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Natural Gas Planning 2022 05 30 Blog preview

Visual Primer: Natural Gas Planning Comes to the Fore as States Advance Climate Policy

Several states that have ambitious clean energy and emissions reduction mandates are investigating the role of natural gas in the shift to a low-carbon power system. Actions at the federal level, spurred by the Biden administration’s goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, are also catalyzing efforts to decarbonize the gas system.

California's Hydroelectric Generation Expected to Decrease Due to Drought: EIA

California’s Hydroelectric Generation Expected to Decrease Due to Drought: EIA

Droughts in California are expected to reduce the state’s summer electricity generation from hydroelectricity, according to a May 26 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The impact of drought is projected to cut hydropower generation by nearly 50 percent, in comparison to normal precipitation conditions. The agency, in its report titled “Short-Term Energy Outlook…...

Oil Gas Methane

U.S. Interior Issues New Onshore Oil, Gas Lease Sale Notices

The Bureau of Land Management on April 18 issued sale notices for its June 2022 competitive oil and gas lease sale. The reformed onshore lease sale follows the Department of the Interior’s November 2021 report that recommended an overhaul of the federal oil and gas program. The agency will apply the first increased royalty rate…...