Visual Primer: Growth of Intermittent Generation Expands Role of Demand Response in Grid Planning

Visual Primer: Growth of Intermittent Generation Expands Role of Demand Response in Grid Planning

Demand response (DR) portfolios of electric utilities across the U.S. continue to expand as they refine their programs and explore new options to support grid reliability in response to the changing resource mix. The role of DR in planning and operations is expected to increase as the resource mix continues to evolve with increasing generation from natural gas, wind, solar, battery storage, and other emerging distributed energy technologies.

Southwest Power Pool Proposes Rules to Implement Western Power Market

PJM Board Approves Changes to Minimum Offer Price Rule in Capacity Markets

PJM Interconnection LLC’s Board of Managers has approved a proposal aimed to reform the minimum offer price rule, or MOPR, in the regional capacity market that PJM operates across 13 states and the District of Columbia. Out of nine proposals presented by the grid operator and its stakeholders, the board selected PJM’s proposal finding that…...

Visual Primer: EV Infrastructure Proliferates as States Electrify Transportation to Meet Decarbonization Goals

Visual Primer: EV Infrastructure Proliferates as States Electrify Transportation to Meet Decarbonization Goals

Measures to expand electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure are moving expeditiously driven by state zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) goals and decarbonization mandates. Among recent actions, Washington has adopted legislation requiring a mapping tool to plan charging infrastructure investments, while New Jersey is exploring an EV charging ecosystem for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. A handful of states have adopted measures to exempt charging station operators from regulatory oversight.

Visual Primer: States Oblige Utilities to Join Regional Transmission Organizations to Accommodate More Renewables

Visual Primer: States Oblige Utilities to Join Regional Transmission Organizations to Accommodate More Renewables

Clean energy mandates and goals adopted by U.S. states and utilities are driving efforts to plan and build out the transmission infrastructure needed to accommodate the exponential growth of wind and solar to facilitate power sector decarbonization.

U.S. Natural gas Exports, Power Sector Consumption Hit New Highs in 2020: EIA

U.S. Natural gas Exports, Power Sector Consumption Hit New Highs in 2020: EIA

Natural gas exports rose by 13 percent from 2019 to 2020, reaching 5.3 trillion cubic feet, according to a June 7 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Consumption also grew in the U.S. electric power sector, increasing by 3 percent over the same period. Since 2011, 100 coal plants across the U.S. have been…...

Visual Primer: Performance-Based Regulation Expands to Advance Clean Energy Transition, Serve Social Goals

Visual Primer: Performance-Based Regulation Expands to Advance Clean Energy Transition, Serve Social Goals

Performance-based regulation (PBR) continues to evolve in the face of transformational changes brought about by new technologies, changing customer preferences, and state policy mandates. Recent actions range from Hawaii’s approval of performance incentive mechanisms to accelerate clean energy goals, the District of Columbia’s ratemaking pilot that contains climate goals-driven tracking mechanisms, and Washington’s law to move towards PBR to help utilities adapt to rapidly changing societal expectations and public policy objectives.

U.S. Energy Consumption Reached Record Low in 2020: EIA

U.S. Energy Consumption Reached Record Low in 2020: EIA consumption totaled 92.9 quadrillion British thermal units in 2020, a record 7 percent decrease from 2019, according to a June 4 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Renewable energy consumption increased by 2 percent, whereas all other fuels decreased: coal by 19 percent, petroleum by 13 percent, natural gas by 2 percent, and…...

New York Advances $485 Million Transmission Project to Enhance Grid Reliability, Support Renewables

Texas Lawmakers Pass Bill to Ensure Preparedness, Response, and Accountability During Power Outages

Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, signed legislation on June 8, calling for comprehensive reforms aimed to prevent the recurrence of the mid-February winter storm event that caused widespread power outages across the state. Among the key provisions, the bill addresses winterization of power and gas facilities, establishes a power outage alert system, and establishes…...

Visual Primer: Capacity Prices Fall by 64 Percent in First PJM Capacity Auction After Market Reforms

Visual Primer: Capacity Prices Fall by 64 Percent in First PJM Capacity Auction After Market Reforms

The long-awaited capacity market auction of PJM Interconnection LLC for the 2022-2023 delivery year cleared at $50 per megawatt-day, which is 64 percent lower than the 2018 auction and the lowest in almost a decade. This is the first auction to be conducted by the nation’s largest grid operator under the expanded minimum offer price rule (MOPR) resulting from a 2019 order by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Visual Primer: Rapidly Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape Reignites Concerns About Critical Infrastructure Vulnerability

Visual Primer: Rapidly Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape Reignites Concerns About Critical Infrastructure Vulnerability

A recent ransomware attack that shut down the Colonial Pipeline system, which supplies nearly half the fuel consumed on the East Coast, has elevated concerns about the use of cyberattacks to paralyze key infrastructure. The incident is the latest example of intrusions exposing U.S. cyber vulnerabilities, calling for stronger measures to secure the nation’s energy pipelines and critical infrastructure against increasingly sophisticated and malicious attacks.

Visual Primer: Preserving Existing Nuclear Generation Fleet Expected to Help Drive Clean Energy Transition

Visual Primer: Preserving Existing Nuclear Generation Fleet Expected to Help Drive Clean Energy Transition

Options to sustain the existing nuclear generation fleet have resurfaced as states reevaluate their resource portfolios to expedite the transition to carbon-free energy. Policy support for the resource emerged as a means to stave off plant closures in the face of economic challenges, by rewarding its fuel diversity and zero-carbon attributes.

U.S. Transportation Department Declares Regional Emergency as Cyberattack Shuts Down Major Fuel Pipeline

U.S. Transportation Department Declares Regional Emergency as Cyberattack Shuts Down Major Fuel Pipeline

The U.S. Transportation Department’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration on May 9 declared a regional emergency in 17 states and the District of Columbia in response to the unexpected shutdown of the Colonial pipeline system, which transports about 45 percent of fuel consumed on the East Coast. On May 7, the pipeline operator said that…...