EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Transmission Development 2023 02 07 Blog preview

Visual Primer: U.S. Steps Up Transmission Development to Prepare for Influx of Renewables

The U.S. is on the verge of a boom in transmission projects driven by a massive buildout of renewable energy generation and an increase in federal transmission planning initiatives. Several long-distance power lines, such as the Champlain Hudson and SunZia, have reached major permitting milestones after years of planning and review.

eia wholesale electricity

Extreme Weather Caused Wholesale Electricity Price Volatility in the U.S. in 2022: EIA

The U.S. trading hubs’ average wholesale electricity prices increased in 2022 compared with 2021 on account of extreme weather conditions and the limited supply of coal to replace higher-priced natural gas, according to a Jan. 10 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Extreme weather and manpower shortages in the railroad and coal mine industries…...

ComEd Unveils $1.7 Billion Energy Efficiency Plan for Illinois Customers

U.S. Advances ENERGY STAR-Certified Smart Home Energy Management Systems

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Jan. 4 announced the first of its kind Smart Home Energy Management System, or SHEMS, which will assist homeowners in obtaining ENERGY STAR certification and creating a one-of-a-kind smart home. SHEMS refers to a package of smart home products that are connected to a central service and enables end…...

Texas Grid Operator Establishes Voluntary Curtailment Program to Manage Peak Demand

The Electricity Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) on Dec. 6 announced a voluntary curtailment program, which permits large flexible consumers to reduce their electricity usage during periods of elevated demand. The large curtailment program for Large Flexible Loads, or LFL, aims to give bitcoin miners and data centers incentives to reduce usage, since they have…

Missouri Regulator Launches Probe into Winter Storm Event

New York Grid Operator Reports Adequate Supplies to Meet Winter Electricity Needs

The New York Independent System Operator on Nov. 28 reported that power supply in the state is projected to be adequate this winter, to fulfil estimated peak demand requirements, with 43,184 megawatts (MW) of electricity supply available. The grid operator projects peak demand for winter 2022-23 to reach 23,893 MW, an increase of 658 MW…...

Michigan Regulator Approves Energy Efficiency Programs for Low-Income Utility Customers

U.S. Energy Department to Invest $550 Million to Support Community-Based Clean Energy Technologies

The U.S. Energy Department on Nov. 22 announced a new funding opportunity worth $550 million through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant, or EECBG, program that will reinforce community-based clean energy projects across the country to support local government and the deployment of clean energy technologies. The funding sponsored by the 2021 Infrastructure Investment…...

Appalachian Power Requests $65 Million Rate Hike for Electric Service in Virginia

DTE Electric to Implement $30.5 Million Rate Hike for Michigan Customers

The Michigan Public Service Commission on Nov. 18 authorized DTE Electric Company to increase its rates by $30.557 million effective Nov.25. Earlier in January 2022, the company filed an application pursuing a $388 million rate increase to recoup increased investments in its production and distribution system to enhance reliable service to its 2.3 million consumers…...

ucraine invasion pulse

Russia-Ukraine Conflict Pushing Transition to Sustainable, Secure Energy System: IEA World Energy Outlook

The International Energy Agency (IEA) on Oct. 27 released the World Energy Outlook 2022, which covers a variety of topics which range from causes of the energy crisis, the roadmap to net zero emissions, energy security, and the outlook for demand. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine initiated the globe’s first energy crisis and has led to…...