New Generation Q2 2022

Wind Accounted for Largest Share of New Generation Capacity During First Half of 2022: EIA

The U.S. power grid, in the first six months of 2022, added 15 gigawatts (GW) of utility-scale generating capacity, according to an Aug. 3 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Wind generation had the largest share with 34 percent, gas had the second largest share, and solar and battery storage made up the rest.…

New York Commission Approves Transfer of Entergy’s Nuclear Plants

U.S. Energy Department to Build Versatile Test Reactor to Advance Next-Generation Nuclear Technologies

The U.S. Energy Department on Aug. 3 issued a notice of its decision to build a Versatile Test Reactor, VTR, at the Idaho National Laboratory. The initiative would facilitate the modernization of U.S. nuclear energy research and development infrastructure and accelerate technology development for current and next-generation reactors. The sodium-cooled reactor would be the first…...

eia uranium pulse

U.S. Uranium Concentrate Production in 2021 Close to All-Time Lows: EIA

The U.S. produced 21,000 pounds of uranium concentrate last year, which is less than one percent of the 2014 production of 4.9 million pounds, the highest since 2000, according to a July 26 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Uranium is the fuel that is widely used by nuclear power plants for nuclear fission…....

Southern Company Agrees to More Cost Risks to Keep Vogtle Nuclear Project Alive

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issues Final Review of Holtec’s Proposed Spent Fuel Storage Project in New Mexico

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission on July 13 released its final environmental impact statement in support of Holtec International’s application to build and operate a consolidated interim spent nuclear fuel storage facility in New Mexico. The commission staff has recommended the license based on the environmental impact review, subject to a safety review of the application…....

U.S. Energy Consumption Recorded Largest Annual Increase in 2021: EIA

U.S. Energy Consumption Recorded Largest Annual Increase in 2021: EIA

U.S. primary energy consumption, which includes energy from fossil fuels, renewables, and nuclear, increased by 4 quadrillion British Thermal Unit (quads) in 2021 as compared to 2020, according to a July 1 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.  Fossil fuels namely, petroleum, natural gas, and coal, represent approximately 76.6 quads out of the total…...

PJM Auction Prices

PJM Capacity Prices Drop by 32 Percent

PJM Interconnection LLC’s capacity auction for the 2023/2024 delivery year cleared at $34.13 per megawatt-day, which is nearly 32 percent lower compared to the 2021 auction, according to the grid operator’s June 21 news release. The auction procured adequate resources to meet energy needs in PJM’s service area, which covers all or part of the…

President Biden Commits U.S. to Achieve 50 Percent Emissions Reductions in 2030

U.S. Energy Department Examines Reforms to Loan Guarantee Program Rule

The U.S. Energy Department’s Loan Program Office issued a request for information on June 1 to update and improve its Title XVII Innovative Technologies Loan Guarantee Program intended to support early commercial use of advanced technologies. The agency seeks feedback from various stakeholders including developers, investors, government agencies, academia, and impacted communities. The input will…...

EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Nuclear Power 2022 06 07 Blog preview

Visual Primer: Climate Concerns Drive Policy Actions to Preserve and Expand U.S. Nuclear Fleet

The U.S. Energy Department’s $6 billion nuclear credit program, the pursuit for carbon-free generation to meet climate goals, and technological advancements are reigniting support for nuclear power. The global impact of Russia’s war on Ukraine has also escalated the importance of national security considerations in energy policies including a discussion about the role of nuclear power.

U.S. Development Bank Ends Ban on Financing Nuclear Power Projects

U.S. Energy Department Seeks Applications to Aid Endangered Nuclear Power Plants

The U.S. Energy Department on April 19 announced that it will seek applications and sealed bids for the $6 billion Civil Nuclear Credit, or CNC, Program to keep the existing U.S. nuclear fleet running. The guidance provides information for owners or operators of nuclear power reactors that might have to close prematurely due to economic…...