Policy Primer: Distribution System Planning Evolves With Growing DER Deployment

Policy Primer: Distribution System Planning Evolves With Growing DER Deployment

Distribution system planning is occurring across various states as utilities and regulators assess the growing need for grid integration of distributed energy resources (DER) and investments that have long-term implications for the power system.

Year Ahead: Five Must-Watch Power Sector Trends for 2021

Year Ahead: Five Must-Watch Power Sector Trends for 2021

The shift in policy priorities of the incoming administration is expected to accelerate the transformation of the power sector towards clean energy and distributed grid, continuing its trajectory driven by market dynamics, technology, and customer preferences. The strong growth of renewable energy is expected to speed up, particularly with the extension of the federal tax…...

U.S. Energy Department Announces $170 Million to Support Solar, Geothermal Technologies

Hawaii Regulators Establish Performance-Based Regulation for Hawaiian Electric

The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission approved a new performance-based regulation, or PBR, framework to govern Hawaiian Electric Company by better aligning the company’s interests with that of customers’ and the state’s clean energy goals. Hawaii is mandated by a 2018 law to implement PBR, establishing a financial link between utility revenues and performance in achieving…...

U.S. Court Upholds New England Capacity Market Exemptions For State-Sponsored Renewables

Renewable Energy Gets A Boost From Tax Extenders Included in Stimulus, Spending Bill Package

Renewable energy received a boost with the enactment of the federal spending bill and COVID-19 relief package on Dec. 27, which includes tax extenders and about $35 billion in spending authorizations to support energy research and development programs. The legislation includes a two-year extension of the Investment Tax Credit for solar generation, a one-year extension…...

Global U.S. Energy Department Releases Roadmap for 10-Year Energy Storage ProgramStorage Market

U.S. Energy Department Releases Roadmap for 10-Year Energy Storage Program

The U.S. Energy Department on Dec. 21 released a roadmap for its Energy Storage Grand Challenge initiative, a 10-year program launched in January to expedite the development of next-generation storage technologies. The roadmap marks the department’s first comprehensive strategy to address energy storage. The program aims to establish and sustain U.S. leadership in energy storage…...

Utilities Are Reshaping Rate Design Strategies

Policy Primer: Utilities Are Reshaping Rate Design Strategies

The growing adoption of clean energy standards, energy efficiency, and customer-sited resources is driving the need for innovative ratemaking principles. Utilities are exploring rate structures that facilitate the integration of variable and distributed generation, and align customer behavior with grid needs. Smart meters are paving the way for time-based and dynamic rate options to balance the grid under the increased penetration of renewable and distributed energy resources, as well as electric vehicles.

Visual Primer: State Utility Regulators Consider Net Metering Changes for Equitable Rate Structure

Visual Primer: State Utility Regulators Consider Net Metering Changes for Equitable Rate Structure

The pressing trend towards revisiting retail rate net metering for rooftop solar continues, in a bid to ensure proper compensation for solar customers and avoid cost shifting to non-solar customers. Net energy metering, which credits customer generators for grid-exported power, has been a key component of the policy framework to spur investment in customer-sited renewable energy facilities, including solar and energy storage systems.

EnerKnol Research AE Visual Primer Vehicle to Grid 2020 11 24 Blog preview

Visual Primer: California, Minnesota, and New York Push Forward With Vehicle-to-Grid Integration

With the growing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), the need for flexible storage resources in the electric grid has drawn increased attention to how well the vehicles can integrate into the grid as temporary batteries. While California is making strides in furthering the utilization of EVs as a grid resource, a handful of states are contemplating the technology in connection with electrification of fleets, and medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.

Visual Primer: Joe Biden’s Victory Hailed as Turning Point in U.S. Energy and Climate Policy

Visual Primer: Joe Biden’s Victory Hailed as Turning Point in U.S. Energy and Climate Policy

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden’s energy agenda prioritizes clean energy and climate action, with a far-reaching strategy, which includes rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, committing to achieve a carbon-free power sector by 2035, and banning new oil and gas permitting on public lands and waters.

State Regulators Scrutinize Gas Utility Planning to Align With Climate Goals

Visual Primer: State Regulators Scrutinize Gas Utility Planning to Align With Climate Goals

A growing number of states are investigating long-term planning of natural gas utilities to explore cost-effective alternatives that better align with climate policies. Investigation into the future of the gas industry is becoming important to develop strategies that facilitate progress toward a net-zero emissions energy future while safeguarding ratepayer interests and ensuring reliable service.

U.S. States Expand Opportunities for Energy Storage in Pursuit of Ambitious Goals

Visual Primer: U.S. States Expand Opportunities for Energy Storage in Pursuit of Ambitious Goals

Amid gigawatt-scale goals for energy storage, U.S. state policies are evolving to create more opportunities for the technology. Storage is poised to play an integral role in the changing resource mix as more states pursue zero-carbon goals, driving the need for innovative policy initiatives and programs that optimize renewable energy sources and enhance grid reliability.

New York to reach its Energy Storage Targe

California Commission Revises Self-Generation Incentive Program to Boost Resiliency

The California Public Utilities Commission approved $108.5 million in additional funding for the Self-Generation Incentive Program’s “Equity Budget,” to support energy storage installations for disadvantaged or low-income communities. The decision transfers funds to the Equity Budget from the funding allotted for general large-scale projects installed by customers that are not in the low-income or disadvantaged…...