New York, Illinois Nuclear Subsidies Survive Legal Challenges

U.S. Energy Department Grants $160 Million to Build Advanced Reactors

The U.S. Energy Department announced the first awards for two projects under the Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program launched in May. The program is designed to establish cost-shared partnerships with U.S. industry to expedite the demonstration of advanced nuclear reactors. TerraPower LLC and X-energy received $80 million each in initial funding to build two reactors that…...

Hydrogen Offers Promising Potential for Clean Energy Transition

Visual Primer: Hydrogen Offers Promising Potential for Clean Energy Transition

Hydrogen is emerging as an important player in the U.S. energy landscape because of its ability to decarbonize multiple sectors. A number of exciting projects harnessing the technology are taking shape as hydrogen and fuel cells can store energy to help enhance the power grid and maximize opportunities to deploy renewable energy.

U.S. Energy Department Picks Kentucky University for $120 Million Battery Science Program

U.S. Energy Department Invests $24 Million to Advance Battery, Methane Detection Technologies

The U.S. Energy Department on Sept. 16 announced $24 million in funding for projects designed to commercialize efforts in sodium-ion battery development and methane detection technologies. The initiative, titled Seeding Critical Advances for Leading Energy technologies with Untapped Potential, is the first-of-its kind to build on the research and development efforts of the agency’s Advanced…...

Washington Enacts Law Requiring Electric Utilities to Plan for Distributed Energy Future

FERC Opens Wholesale Electricity Markets to Distributed Energy Resources

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Sept. 17 approved a long-awaited rule, directing regional grid operators to open their markets to distributed energy resource aggregations. The order removes barriers preventing these resources from competing on a level playing field in the wholesale capacity, energy, and ancillary services markets. The rule requires regional grid operators to…...

U.S. Court Upholds New England Capacity Market Exemptions For State-Sponsored Renewables

New York Proposes Regulations to Implement Renewable Energy Siting Law

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, on Sept. 16 announced a draft regulatory framework to implement a recently-enacted law, which established the Office of Renewable Energy Permitting to expedite the siting and regulatory review of large-scale renewable energy facilities. The proposed framework is expected to dramatically speed up clean energy project development and help…...

New York to reach its Energy Storage Targe

New York Grid Operator Implements Rules for Full Participation of Energy Storage in Power Markets

The New York Independent System Operator Inc. on Sept. 8 announced it has finalized the process required to allow full participation of energy storage resources in the grid operator’s wholesale energy markets. The rules are required for compliance with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Order No. 841, which directed grid operators to establish a market…...

U.S. Energy Department Announces $170 Million to Support Solar, Geothermal Technologies

U.S. Interior Department Releases Environmental Review for 500-Megawatt Solar Project in Nevada

The Bureau of Land Management on Sept. 4 released its final environmental assessment for the Yellow Pine Solar Project, which would be located on about 3,000 acres of public land in Nevada. The review address two related applications. The first one consists of a 500-megawatt solar energy generation station and ancillary facilities including battery storage…...

Utilities Continue Plans to Accelerate Phase-Out of Coal-Fired Generation

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – Utilities Continue Plans to Accelerate Phase-Out of Coal-Fired Generation

Proposals to accelerate the phase-out of coal-fired generation appear more prominently in long-term resource plans of U.S. electric utilities, reflecting the growing shift to renewable energy. The transition from coal continues to be driven by state clean energy mandates, emissions reduction goals, low natural gas prices, and increased availability of low-cost renewables and storage resources.

Resource Plan for Carolinas Examines Options to Accelerate Coal Plant Retirements

Duke Energy’s 15-Year Resource Plan for Carolinas Examines Options to Accelerate Coal Plant Retirements

Duke Energy Carolinas LLC and Duke Energy Progress LLC on Sept. 1 unveiled their 15-year integrated resource plans for the Carolinas, presenting a range of scenarios with accelerated coal retirement options and substantial increases in solar, wind, and energy storage technologies. The proposal details six generation portfolios that would keep Duke Energy Corp. on a…...

EnerKnol Research AE Visual Primer Value of DER 2020 08 25 Blog preview

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – Distributed Generation Compensation Evolves to Reflect Benefits With Greater Accuracy

Recently, state regulators have stepped up efforts to value distributed energy resources (DERs) more accurately while looking for ways to better reflect the costs they impose on the grid. Among recent actions, New York adopted a mechanism to move the market towards more cost-reflective rates, while California decided to include avoided transmission costs in the valuation, and Connecticut unveiled a study on quantifying the benefits of these resources.

States Advance Alternative Ratemaking Plans to Support Clean Energy Transition

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – States Advance Alternative Ratemaking Plans to Support Clean Energy Transition

Alternative ratemaking plans and innovative rate design proposals continue to emerge as utilities adapt to policy and technology changes driven by decarbonization efforts and distributed energy growth. With growing state mandates to increase renewable energy generation, regulators are devising performance metrics and incentives to encourage utility innovation in achieving policy goals.

U.U.S. Installed Battery Storage Capacity Increased More Than Tenfold Over the Last Decade

U.S. Installed Battery Storage Capacity Increased More Than Tenfold Over the Last Decade: EIA

U.S. operational large-scale battery storage increased to 869 megawatts of installed power capacity by the end of 2018, from just 59 megawatts in 2010, according to an Aug. 10 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The agency  published a report regarding utility-scale battery-storage capacity usage from 2010 to 2018. The document provides a  glance…...