Visual Primer: Growth of Intermittent Generation Expands Role of Demand Response in Grid Planning

Visual Primer: Growth of Intermittent Generation Expands Role of Demand Response in Grid Planning

Demand response (DR) portfolios of electric utilities across the U.S. continue to expand as they refine their programs and explore new options to support grid reliability in response to the changing resource mix. The role of DR in planning and operations is expected to increase as the resource mix continues to evolve with increasing generation from natural gas, wind, solar, battery storage, and other emerging distributed energy technologies.

Virginia Regulator Approves $650 Million Grid Transformation Plan for Dominion Energy

Florida Commissions Approves Utilities to Recover Over $15 Million in Pandemic-Related Costs

The Florida Public Service Commission approved settlement agreements allowing Gulf Power Company to recover $13.2 million in costs related to the utility’s COVID-19 measures and Florida Public Utilities Company and the Florida Division of Chesapeake Utilities Corporation (FPUC) to recover nearly $2.1 million. The approval includes a regulatory asset accounting mechanism that permits utilities to…...

Visual Primer: EV Infrastructure Proliferates as States Electrify Transportation to Meet Decarbonization Goals

Visual Primer: EV Infrastructure Proliferates as States Electrify Transportation to Meet Decarbonization Goals

Measures to expand electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure are moving expeditiously driven by state zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) goals and decarbonization mandates. Among recent actions, Washington has adopted legislation requiring a mapping tool to plan charging infrastructure investments, while New Jersey is exploring an EV charging ecosystem for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. A handful of states have adopted measures to exempt charging station operators from regulatory oversight.

Arkansas Decides to Retain Retail Rate Net Metering Through 2022

Florida Commission Reports 52 Percent Increase in Consumer-Owned Renewables Installations

Customer-owned renewable generation installations across Florida increased by about 52 percent from 2019 to 2020, reaching 90,552 interconnections, according to electric utility reports filed with the Florida Public Service Commission. Electric generation capacity from customer-sited systems rose by 62 percent over the same period to reach 837,160 kilowatts, showing that solar continues to be the…...

Policy Primer: Energy Storage July 2021 Update

Policy Primer: Energy Storage July 2021 Update

States are exploring ways to utilize the multiple benefits that energy storage provides to the grid, from enabling the increased penetration of renewable resources and reducing dependence on emitting generation, to bolstering reliability.

California Regulator Approves Utility Wildfire Plans, Proactive Power Shutoffs

California Commission Updates Guidelines for Execution of Utility Power Shutoffs

The California Public Utilities Commission on June 24 set new guidelines and rules adding to existing directives to improve preparation and access to resources during utilities’ Public Power Shutoff, or PSPS, events ahead of the wildfire season. The commission requires electric investor-owned utilities to take a results-based approach to PSPS events, which involves proactive de-energization…...

New York Extends NY-Sun Incentive Program With Nearly $600 Million Funding

California Regulator Launches Proceeding to Facilitate Integration of Growing Distributed Resources

The California Public Utilities Commission on June 24 opened a proceeding to modernize the state’s electric grid, in order to accommodate the growing number of distributed energy resources, including electric vehicle charging. The proceeding will maximize ratepayer value through a range of actions including clarifying grid roles and responsibilities, charging infrastructure forecasting, and community involvement.…

Michigan Commission Authorizes 797-Megawatt Expansion of DTE Electric’s Voluntary Renewable Power Program

Michigan Commission Authorizes 797-Megawatt Expansion of DTE Electric’s Voluntary Renewable Power Program

The Michigan Public Service Commission on June 9 approved a partial settlement allowing DTE Electric Co. to increase its voluntary green pricing program by 797 megawatts from 2022-2025 and provide new program offerings to expand access for low-income customers. The voluntary program allows customers to meet a portion of their electricity needs from renewable energy…...

Visual Primer: Performance-Based Regulation Expands to Advance Clean Energy Transition, Serve Social Goals

Visual Primer: Performance-Based Regulation Expands to Advance Clean Energy Transition, Serve Social Goals

Performance-based regulation (PBR) continues to evolve in the face of transformational changes brought about by new technologies, changing customer preferences, and state policy mandates. Recent actions range from Hawaii’s approval of performance incentive mechanisms to accelerate clean energy goals, the District of Columbia’s ratemaking pilot that contains climate goals-driven tracking mechanisms, and Washington’s law to move towards PBR to help utilities adapt to rapidly changing societal expectations and public policy objectives.

Virginia Regulator Clears Dominion’s $226 Million Portfolio of Demand Side Programs

Hawaii Regulator Approves Performance Mechanisms to Accelerate Clean Energy Goals

The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission approved performance incentive mechanisms, scorecards, and metrics as part of its  performance-based regulatory framework for the Hawaiian Electric Companies. The framework was created on Dec. 23, 2020, aiming at becoming a system that rewards “utility for exemplary performance,” while reducing utility costs for customers, and moving towards more renewable energy…....

U.S. Energy Consumption Reached Record Low in 2020: EIA

U.S. Energy Consumption Reached Record Low in 2020: EIA consumption totaled 92.9 quadrillion British thermal units in 2020, a record 7 percent decrease from 2019, according to a June 4 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Renewable energy consumption increased by 2 percent, whereas all other fuels decreased: coal by 19 percent, petroleum by 13 percent, natural gas by 2 percent, and…...

New York Advances $485 Million Transmission Project to Enhance Grid Reliability, Support Renewables

Texas Lawmakers Pass Bill to Ensure Preparedness, Response, and Accountability During Power Outages

Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, signed legislation on June 8, calling for comprehensive reforms aimed to prevent the recurrence of the mid-February winter storm event that caused widespread power outages across the state. Among the key provisions, the bill addresses winterization of power and gas facilities, establishes a power outage alert system, and establishes…...