EnerKnol Research AE Visual Primer Vehicle to Grid 2020 11 24 Blog preview

Visual Primer: California, Minnesota, and New York Push Forward With Vehicle-to-Grid Integration

With the growing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), the need for flexible storage resources in the electric grid has drawn increased attention to how well the vehicles can integrate into the grid as temporary batteries. While California is making strides in furthering the utilization of EVs as a grid resource, a handful of states are contemplating the technology in connection with electrification of fleets, and medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.

Visual Primer: Joe Biden’s Victory Hailed as Turning Point in U.S. Energy and Climate Policy

Visual Primer: Joe Biden’s Victory Hailed as Turning Point in U.S. Energy and Climate Policy

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden’s energy agenda prioritizes clean energy and climate action, with a far-reaching strategy, which includes rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, committing to achieve a carbon-free power sector by 2035, and banning new oil and gas permitting on public lands and waters.

Missouri Regulator Launches Probe into Winter Storm Event

Texas Grid Operator Projects Sufficient Generation for Upcoming Winter, Spring

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas Inc. expects nearly 83,000 megawatts of resource capacity to be available to meet the projected peak demand of 57,699 megawatts for the upcoming winter season from December 2020 to February 2021. The winter peak demand forecast in the grid operator’s final winter resource adequacy assessment, released on Nov. 5, …...

New York Begins Process for Second Offshore Wind Solicitation to Procure At Least 1,000 Megawatts

Massachusetts Approves Contracts for 800-Megawatt Mayflower Offshore Wind Project

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities on Nov. 5 approved long-term contracts executed by the state’s electric distribution companies to purchase offshore wind power from Mayflower Wind Energy LLC’s 804-megawatt project, which was selected in the state’s second round of offshore wind solicitation last year. The project is expected to provide about  0.1 to 1.8…...

RPS Mapper May 2020

RPS Mapper – U.S. Renewable Portfolio Standards November 2020 Update

State renewable portfolio standards are a key driver behind the torrid expansion of wind and solar generation across the U.S., responsible for about half of the nation’s deployment of clean energy sources over the last couple of decades, according to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Over three dozen states, territories and the nation’s capital have…

New York Governor Announces Creation of Special Counsel for Ratepayer Protection

New York Governor Announces Creation of Special Counsel for Ratepayer Protection

Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo appointed New York City Council Member and former Assembly Member Rory Lancman to the new role of Statewide Special Counsel for Ratepayer Protection, according to an Oct. 30 press release. In the new role, Lancman will assess the performance of the state’s regulated utilities across the electric, natural gas, water, and…...

Arizona Law Prevents Local Restrictions on Natural Gas Use in Buildings

Colorado Regulators Probe into Retail Natural Gas Industry Emissions

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission on Nov. 4 opened a proceeding to investigate retail natural gas industry emissions as the state explores ways to meet the requirements of a 2019 law that set statewide goals to achieve emission cuts of 26 percent by 2025, 50 percent by 2030, and 90 percent by 2050, relative to…...

Western EIM Benefits Q3 2020

Western Energy Market Cumulative Benefits Exceed $1.1 Billion

The Western Energy Imbalance market generated $119.3 million in savings in the third quarter of this year, the highest quarterly benefits achieved since the market launched in 2014, according to an Oct. 29 press release from the California Independent System Operator Corporation. This brings the cumulative benefits of the real-time energy market to about $1.11…...

U.S. States Expand Opportunities for Energy Storage in Pursuit of Ambitious Goals

Visual Primer: U.S. States Expand Opportunities for Energy Storage in Pursuit of Ambitious Goals

Amid gigawatt-scale goals for energy storage, U.S. state policies are evolving to create more opportunities for the technology. Storage is poised to play an integral role in the changing resource mix as more states pursue zero-carbon goals, driving the need for innovative policy initiatives and programs that optimize renewable energy sources and enhance grid reliability.

New York Begins Process for Second Offshore Wind Solicitation to Procure At Least 1,000 Megawatts

Rhode Island to Issue Competitive Solicitation for 600 Megawatts of Offshore Wind

Democratic Governor Gina Raimondo on Oct. 27 announced that Rhode Island will launch a competitive solicitation to procure up to 600 megawatts of offshore wind energy. The effort is in line with an executive order issued in January, setting a goal for the state to source all of its electricity from renewable resources by the…...

ERC Order on PJM Capacity Market Reforms Hinders States’ Plans for Clean Energy Transition

Visual Primer: FERC Order on PJM Capacity Market Reforms Hinders States’ Plans for Clean Energy Transition

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has issued an order on implementing reforms that expand the minimum offer price rule (MOPR) to most state-subsidized resources participating in the regional capacity market administered by PJM Interconnection LLC, which operates across 13 states and the District of Columbia. The ruling has sparked concerns over its potential to harm renewable generation seeking to participate in the capacity market and frustrate state clean energy policies.

Virginia Regulator Approves $650 Million Grid Transformation Plan for Dominion Energy

New England States Seek Wholesale Power Market Reforms to Support Decarbonization Goals

The governors of five New England states – Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont – issued a statement on Oct. 14 calling for reforms to the regional wholesale electricity market structure to support their decarbonization efforts. In light of the states’ commitment to reduce emissions by at least 80 percent below 1990 levels by…...