Visual Primer: Fallout From Winter Storm Uri Elicits Regulatory Actions Across U.S. States

Visual Primer: Fallout From Winter Storm Uri Elicits Regulatory Actions Across U.S. States

The fallout from severe arctic weather during February has prompted regulators from Texas to Montana to examine utility infrastructure, preparedness and response, and impacts to customers. Texas, which experienced the worst power outages resulting from Winter Storm Uri, has issued multiple orders and initiated investigations to address the impacts of the grid event. Following announcements of an inquiry into the grid event and the possibility of market violations, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is now set to examine the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events on electric system reliability. Regulators across several U.S. states are investigating the after-effects of the storm to mitigate bill impacts to customers while exploring cost-recovery for utilities which faced extraordinary expenses as natural gas prices soared to unprecedented levels.

RGGI Reduces Carbon Cap to Account for Banked Allowances

RGGI Reduces Carbon Cap to Account for Banked Allowances

The member states of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, or RGGI, on March 15 announced the third adjustment for banked allowances held by market participants for the five-year period from 2021-2025. The adjustment is a reduction in the number of carbon allowances that is being sold over the period. The amount of the reduction is…...

Massachusetts Regulator Approves Long-Term Contracts for 800-Megawatts of Offshore Wind Power

U.S. Interior Completes Environmental Review of Vineyard Wind’s 800-Megawatt Offshore Project

The U.S. Interior Department on March 8 announced the completion of its environmental analysis of Vineyard Wind LLC’s proposed 800-megawatt wind project offshore Massachusetts. Conclusion of the final review marks a key milestone for the project, which is expected to be the nation’s first large-scale offshore wind farm. In January, U.S. President Joe Biden signed…...

EnerKnol Research AE Policy Primer Electric Vehicles 2021 03 09 Blog preview

Policy Primer: Transportation Electrification

Transportation electrification is gaining momentum across the U.S. as states and utilities continue to implement measures to boost electric vehicle (EV) adoption and expand charging infrastructure. Recent actions range from California’s vehicle-grid integration strategy to Pennsylvania’s rulemaking proposal for a light-duty EV requirement, and a utility-coalition plan for a seamless charging network.

Virginia Regulator Approves $650 Million Grid Transformation Plan for Dominion Energy

FERC Announces Technical Conference to Discuss Impacts of Climate Change on Electric Reliability

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on March 5 announced that it will hold a technical conference in June to discuss the threat posed by climate change and extreme weather events on electric system reliability. The agency announced a proceeding to examine the issue following prolonged power outages across Texas and the south-central U.S. during the…...

RGGI Generates Nearly $180 Million in First Carbon Auction After Virginia’s Entry

RGGI Generates Nearly $180 Million in First Carbon Auction After Virginia’s Entry

The 51st quarterly carbon auction of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, or RGGI, the nation’s first market-based program to cut power sector emissions, sold all of the nearly 23.5 million permits offered for sale at a price of $7.60 per allowance, according to the auction results released on March 5. This is the first auction…...

Visual Primer: Texas Power Outages Draw Scrutiny into Grid Operator’s Market Design and Reliability

Visual Primer: Texas Power Outages Draw Scrutiny into Grid Operator’s Market Design and Reliability

The widespread power outages across Texas during the extreme winter weather conditions brought about by a polar vortex in mid-February has raised questions about the reliability of the power grid operated by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas Inc. (ERCOT). The grid operator, which manages about 90 percent of the state’s electric load, reported that 48.6 percent of generation was forced out at the highest point due to the winter storm.

Washington Utilities Denied Recovery of $15 Million Related to Colstrip’s 2018 Outage

Texas Regulator Investigates Retail Electric Providers’ Business Practices After Winter Storm Grid Event

The Texas Public Utilities Commission on Feb. 24 launched an investigation into retail electric suppliers’ business practices following complaints of skyrocketing bills for plans with pricing indexed to the wholesale rate in the aftermath of sweeping power outages caused by extreme winter weather conditions. Although indexed plans are allowed under law, an influx of complaints…...

Visual Primer: State Decarbonization Goals Spur Innovative Resource Planning Measures

Visual Primer: State Decarbonization Goals Spur Innovative Resource Planning Measures

Innovations in energy planning continue to emerge as state regulators devise programs and explore solutions that effectively meet customer needs and support policy goals. Recent state initiatives range from New York’s efforts to align gas planning with climate goals, to Maine’s investigation into the future design of the grid to accommodate growing renewables, and California’s transmission planning guidance to achieve ambitious decarbonization goals.

Georgia Power’s Fuel Rate Changes Expected to Reduce Annual Billings by $329 Million

Sweeping Outages Prompt Investigation into Role of Texas Grid Operator

Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Feb. 16 declared the reform of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or ERCOT, an emergency item in the current legislative session, following rotating outages resulting from extreme winter weather brought about by a polar vortex which primarily affected the Midwest and Southern regions of the U.S.  Abbott directed the…...

Policy Primer: Net Metering Reforms

Policy Primer: Net Metering Reforms

Net metering policies continue to evolve as state regulators seek to make rate structures more equitable to address cross-subsidy issues arising from the growing penetration of distributed solar generation. Net energy metering (NEM), which credits customer generators for grid-exported power, has been a key component of the policy framework to spur investment in customer-sited renewable energy facilities, including solar and energy storage systems. Successors to original tariffs are considering a range of factors including avoided utility costs, value to the grid, cost-shifting, and energy demand.

U.S. Interior Department Leases in Arizona Solar Energy Zones Expected to Produce 825 Megawatts

Connecticut Regulator Establishes New Residential Program to Replace Net Metering

The Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority on Feb. 10 established a residential renewable energy program that will replace current net metering, as well as the residential solar incentive program starting January 1, 2022.  The initiative creates tariff options for residential customers to buy products generated from a Class I renewable energy source located on their…...