FERC Approves Reforms to Enhance Battery Storage Participation in New England Wholesale Power Markets

FERC Approves Reforms to Enhance Battery Storage Participation in New England Wholesale Power Markets

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Feb. 25 accepted ISO New England Inc.’s market rules to enable advanced storage technologies to be dispatched and priced in the real-time energy market in a manner that more fully recognizes their ability to transition rapidly between charging and discharging. The revisions allow batteries and emerging storage technologies to…...

Massachusetts Regulator Discusses Net Metering, SMART Program Revisions Proposed by Utilities

Massachusetts Regulator Discusses Net Metering, SMART Program Revisions Proposed by Utilities

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities is scheduled to discuss revisions proposed by electric distribution companies to net metering and Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target, or SMART, programs, according to a Feb. 25 order of notice. Unitil Corp, National Grid plc, and Eversource Energy have submitted revised model tariffs for net metering and the SMART program, clarifying the eligibility of facilities…

Battery Installation to Provide Black Start Service at Gas-Powered Plant

California Approves Battery Installation to Provide Black Start Service at Gas-Powered Plant

The California Energy Commission on Feb. 20 approved the installation of a battery storage system to the Russell City Energy Center, a 600-megawatt natural-gas fired power plant, to provide black start capability. The project consists of installing 6 to 10 megawatts of lithium-ion batteries, which would be used to start the gas turbines, in order…...

U.S. Court Upholds New England Capacity Market Exemptions For State-Sponsored Renewables

Alliant Energy Proposes Voluntary Renewable Power Programs for Wisconsin Customers

Wisconsin Power and Light Company is seeking approval of three new tariff options to expand its voluntary renewable energy options for customers, according to its Feb. 18 application filed with the Wisconsin Public Service Commission. The proposal includes a subscription-based community solar program, renewable energy contracts targeted at large commercial and industrial customers, and a…...

Portland General Electric, NextEra to Develop Nation's Largest Wind-Solar-Storage Project

Portland General Electric, NextEra to Develop Nation’s Largest Wind-Solar-Storage Project

Portland General Electric Company and NextEra Energy Resources LLC have announced plans to build a 300-megawatt wind farm combined with 50 megawatts of solar and 30 megawatts of battery storage, making it the largest project of this kind in the nation, according to a Feb. 13 press release. The new project called the Wheatridge Renewable Energy Facility…

Massachusetts Regulator Unveils Framework

Massachusetts Regulator Unveils Framework for Capacity Rights in Solar Incentive Programs

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities issued an order on Feb. 1 clarifying ownership of capacity and energy rights of facilities under net metering and Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target, or SMART, programs participating in the ISO New England Inc.’s forward capacity market. The order allows owners of storage-paired facilities to retain their energy or capacity…...

Liberty Utilities Wins Approval for Customer-Sited Battery Pilot in New Hampshire

Liberty Utilities Wins Approval for Customer-Sited Battery Pilot in New Hampshire

The New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission on Jan. 17 authorized Liberty Utilities Co. to install up to 500 Tesla Powerwall 2 batteries behind the meter at customers’ premises under a pilot program intended to achieve customer savings through peak load reductions. Liberty said that the initiative marks the first program in the nation to combine…

Grid Operators Set to Expand Opportunities for Energy Storage in Wholesale Markets

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – Grid Operators Set to Expand Opportunities for Energy Storage in Wholesale Markets

Regional grid operators have filed proposals to comply with the first federal directive for broader participation of the technology in regional wholesale power markets. The California system operator is already compliant with majority of the requirements, with a market design that FERC has cited as an example for integrating storage resources. New York grid operator’s proposal poses limitations, such as lack of dual participation in wholesale and retail markets, amidst the state’s efforts to advance an ambitious 3-gigawatt goal for storage.

Hawaiian Electric Proposes Largest Portfolio of Solar-Plus-Battery Projects at Record Low Prices

Hawaiian Electric Proposes Largest Portfolio of Solar-Plus-Battery Projects at Record Low Prices

The Hawaiian Electric Companies submitted power purchase agreements for seven grid-scale, solar-plus-storage projects to the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission, according to a Jan. 3 press release. The projects total 262 megawatts of solar and 1,024 megawatt-hours of energy storage, with contract prices ranging from $0.08 to $0.12 per kilowatt-hour. The utilities said that the contracts…...

Dominion’s Millstone Nuclear Plant Wins Zero-Carbon Energy Contract in Connecticut

Dominion’s Millstone Nuclear Plant Wins Zero-Carbon Energy Contract in Connecticut

Democratic Governor Dannel Malloy on Dec. 28 announced the selection of two nuclear plants — Dominion Energy Inc.’s Millstone Power Station in Connecticut and NextEra Energy Inc.’s Seabrook Nuclear Power Station in New Hampshire — along with nine solar projects and one offshore wind project in the state’s solicitation for zero-carbon electricity. The procurements totaling nearly…...

Greater Regulatory Clarity Will Facilitate Fair Competition of Storage Resources in Ontario Power Market: Report

Greater Regulatory Clarity Will Facilitate Fair Competition of Storage Resources in Ontario Power Market: Report

The Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator issued a report on Dec. 20 identifying obstacles and mitigating strategies to ensure that energy storage resources can be integrated into its market and can compete in the delivery of services when feasible. The report calls for clarity in the market rules, Ontario Energy Board codes, and legislation and…...