Ohio Regulator Approves FirstEnergy's Auction Results to Set Default Power Rates

Ohio Regulator Approves FirstEnergy’s Auction Results to Set Default Power Rates

FirstEnergy Corp.’s wholesale auction held on Jan. 28 resulted in an average clearing price of $47.92 per megawatt hour for a one-year product to supply electricity to the company’s Ohio customers for the delivery period of June 2019 through May 2020. The results will be combined with previous auctions to set the price-to-compare for the…

New York Bills Would Protect Electric, Gas Customers From Competitive Suppliers’ Unscrupulous Practices

New York Bills Would Protect Electric, Gas Customers From Competitive Suppliers’ Unscrupulous Practices

New York State Democratic Senator Liz Krueger introduced legislation on Jan. 24 that would protect electric and natural gas customers against slamming by prohibiting suppliers from switching customers without proper authorization. The bill would authorize the state Public Service Commission to establish requirements for obtaining customer consent to effect a change in their supplier and…

New York Regulators Threatens to Revoke AAA ESCO’s License Following Missed Compliance Deadlines

The New York Public Service Commission issued a notice to AAA ESCO Llc., a natural gas supplier, for failure to file its second quarter 2018 historic pricing data, threatening to revoke the supplier’s license to operate in the state. The regulator alleges that AAA has not complied with the filing deadlines for pricing data and has repeatedly missed…

Montana State Lawmaker Proposes Bill to Establish Carbon Tax

BlueRock Seeks Reduction of Zero Emission Credit Obligations Following Customer Migration

BlueRock Energy Inc. submitted a request to the New York State Public Service Commission asking for relief from the approximately $185,000 per month that it would have to pay the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority for zero-emission credits. The company explains that it entered into an agreement in October to assign all of…

Texas Retail Electric Provider Fined $100,000 For Violating Billing Rules

Massachusetts Regulator Launches Investigation Into Consumer Protection Following Complaints

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities issued an order on Jan. 23 opening an investigation into initiatives that would promote and protect electricity consumers in the state. The study will discuss measures including increasing customer awareness, improving the department’s ability to investigate dubious practices by suppliers and other means that would improve the operational efficiency of the market.…

Cal Fire Clears PG&E of 2017 Tubbs Fire Amid Bankruptcy Crisis

Cal Fire Clears PG&E of 2017 Tubbs Fire Amid Bankruptcy Crisis

The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection determined that a private electrical system caused the Tubbs Fire in 2017 in Northern California’s Sonoma County, and not Pacific Gas & Electric Company, which had been under scrutiny for the possible involvement of its equipment in sparking the fires, according to a Jan. 24 news release.…

New York Simplifies Grid Connection for Energy Storage as it Seeks to Meet Half of Electricity Needs With Renewables by 2030

Minnesota Regulator Adopts Process to Implement Performance-Based Rates

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission on Jan. 8 established a procedure to determine goals and metrics for Xcel Energy Inc.’s performance-based rates. The commission adopted the Office of Attorney General’s recommendation which outlines a “goals-outcomes-metrics process” as an effective method to gather stakeholder input and develop performance metrics. The possible outcomes identified include affordability, reliability,…

PG&E to Seek Bankruptcy Protection Amid Wildfire Liability

PG&E to Seek Bankruptcy Protection Amid Wildfire Liability

PG&E Corporation announced it intends to reorganize under Chapter 11 of the U.S. bankruptcy code as it faces billions of dollars in potential liability resulting from the 2017 and 2018 Northern California wildfires, according to a Jan. 14 press release. The move comes a day after Geisha Williams stepped down as CEO. The company said…...

California Begins Process to Determine Wildfire Cost Recovery Amid PG&E’s Troubles

California Begins Process to Determine Wildfire Cost Recovery Amid PG&E’s Troubles

The California Public Utilities Commission on Jan. 10 opened a docket to implement the provisions of Senate Bill 901 enacted last year, allowing utilities to pass some of their costs to ratepayers. The commission said it will adopt a methodology for wildfire cost recovery, but will not adopt any specific financial outcome for future applications…....

Dominion Energy Seeks $114 Million Rate Hike to Fund Environmental Projects

Dominion Energy Seeks $114 Million Rate Hike to Fund Environmental Projects

The Virginia Electric and Power Company filed a rate adjustment clause proposing a revenue requirement of $113.6 million to recover the costs of complying with state and federal environmental regulations for the 2019 rate year starting Nov. 1 and ending Oct. 31, 2020, according to a Jan. 10 press release from the Virginia State Corporation…

Michigan Regulator Approves $99 Million Rate Hike for Consumers Energy

Michigan Regulator Approves $99 Million Rate Hike for Consumers Energy

The Michigan Public Service Commission on Jan. 9 approved Consumers Energy Company’s settlement that provides for an annual revenue decrease of $24 million and terminates the “Credit A” federal tax cut reduction of $123 million, resulting in a net revenue increase of $99 million. The tax adjustment, the first of a three-step process to address…

U.S. Energy Department Partners With Industry to Tap Lead Battery Potential for Vehicles, Power Grid

Washington to Revise Electric Utilities’ Competitive Procurement Rules to Reflect Industry Trend

The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission on Dec. 31 issued a notice seeking comments on a draft rule for competitive resource acquisition by utilities. The proposal is a result of stakeholder workshops and public comment processes since the commission unveiled a proposal in 2016 to examine whether rules governing the integrated resource plan and utility…