States, Environmental Groups Challenge FERC Order on PJM Capacity Market Rules

States, Environmental Groups Challenge FERC Order on PJM Capacity Market Rules

New Jersey and Maryland filed a lawsuit with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, challenging the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s order directing PJM Interconnection LLC to extend the minimum offer price rule, or MOPR, to state-subsidized resources, according to an April 27 news release. Several states have criticized the move, citing its potential to harm…...

U.S. Interior Approves 465 Megawatts of Solar Projects in California

New Mexico Regulators Delay Decision on Solar Projects Planned to Replace Coal-Fired Capacity

The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission on April 29 put off a decision on the Public Service Company of New Mexico’s plan for two solar-plus-battery projects to partially replace the generation from the San Juan Generating Station scheduled for retirement by 2022. In a March 27 recommended decision, hearing examiners suggested that the commission approve…...

New England Grid Operator Proposes Market-Based Solution to Energy Security Challenges

EnerKnol’s Visual Primer – New England Grid Operator Proposes Market-Based Solution to Energy Security Challenges

The New England grid operator has proposed a long-term, market-based solution to the region’s energy security problem as the power generation fleet moves towards a mix of energy-limited resources. With the retirement of resources with stored fuel, the system is increasingly reliant on facilities that run on just-in-time natural gas deliveries and weather-dependent wind and solar energy. To address the ensuing challenge, the grid operator proposes to improve the current market structure by creating incentives for the region’s fleet to invest in the energy supply arrangements and technologies on which the region depends.

Orsted Delays 120-Megawatt Skipjack Offshore Wind Project

Orsted Delays 120-Megawatt Skipjack Offshore Wind Project

Skipjack Offshore Energy LLC revised the estimated commercial operating date for its 120-megawatt offshore wind project from November 2022 to the end of 2023, according to an April 21 filing with the Maryland Public Service Commission. Orsted said it is receiving its federal notice of intent for the project later than expected as the “federal…...

Blog preNew Jersey Plans to Invest $80 Million Annually From Carbon Auction Proceeds in Emissions Reduction Programsview 2020 03 24 1

New Jersey Plans to Invest $80 Million Annually From Carbon Auction Proceeds in Emissions Reduction Programs

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Board of Public Utilities, and Economic Development Authority on April 17 released a three-year plan to invest the proceeds from the carbon auctions held under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, or RGGI. The state plans to invest an estimated $80 million each year in clean energy and climate…

U.S. EPA Reverses Finding That Formed Basis for Obama-Era Power Plant Mercury Rules

U.S. Energy Department Announces $130 Million for Carbon Capture Technologies to Reduce Industrial Emissions

The U.S. Energy Department on April 24 announced $46 million funding for cost-shared research and development projects that capture and store carbon dioxide emissions from industrial sources. The department also selected five projects to receive $85 million under a previously announced funding opportunity to accelerate wide-scale deployment of these technologies. While carbon capture, utilization, and…...

California's Climate Investment Reached $2 Billion in 2019

California’s Climate Investment Reached $2 Billion in 2019: CARB

California’s Climate Investments initiative funded nearly $2 billion in clean air and low-carbon projects implemented statewide in 2019, according to an April 22 press release from the Air Resource Board. Last year marked the program’s single largest annual investment in the state’s priority populations, with more than $1 billion of new projects benefiting disadvantaged and…...

New York Launches 2-Gigawatt Offshore Wind Energy Development Solicitation

New York Approves Plan for Second Offshore Wind Solicitation of Up To 2.5 Gigawatts

The New York Public Service Commission on April 23 authorized the State Energy Research and Development Authority to issue a solicitation for 1 gigawatt or more of offshore wind capacity in 2020, in order to maintain the state’s trajectory in meeting its clean energy goals. The authorization allows the flexibility to evaluate a range of…...

Illinois Commission Launches Investigation into Value of Distributed Generation

Illinois Commission Launches Investigation into Value of Distributed Generation

The Illinois Commerce Commission on April 21 opened a proceeding to establish a method for calculating the rebate values for distributed generation within Ameren Illinois Company’ service territory. The Future Energy Jobs Act, which took effect in 2017, directed the commission to start such a process when the total generating capacity of net metering customers…...

FERC Denies Rehearing of Orders on PJM Capacity Market Reforms

FERC Denies Rehearing of Orders on PJM Capacity Market Reforms

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on April 16 largely rejected requests to reconsider its December 2019 order that directed PJM Interconnection LLC to extend the minimum offer price, or MOPR, to state-subsidized resources attempting to enter the capacity market. The agency also denied rehearing of its June 2018 order which found that state subsidies distort…...

100-Megawatt Solar Power Contract

Consumers Energy Wins Michigan Approval for $1 Billion Worth of Solar Power Contracts

The Michigan Public Service Commission on April 15 granted Consumers Energy Co.’s request for approval of 31 power purchase agreements for 394 megawatts of solar power. The contracts stem from September 2019 settlement between Consumers Energy and numerous developers of proposed solar projects in the company’s interconnection queue, resolving issues under the Public Utility Regulatory…...


Virginia Governor Signs Legislation Requiring Transition to Carbon-Free Power by 2050

Democratic Governor Ralph Northam on April 11 signed into law the Virginia Clean Economy Act, which sets the state on the path to carbon-free power by 2050. The law replaces the voluntary renewable energy portfolio program with a mandatory standard, and paves the way for an enormous expansion of wind and solar power, and energy…...