EnerKnol Research PU Visual Primer Resource Planning 2022 09 13 Blog preview

Visual Primer: Utility Resource Plans Reflect Pivot to Low-Carbon Power Generation

Utility resource plans continue to manifest the changing power generation mix as more states pursue zero-carbon goals. The shift drives the need for innovative policy initiatives that optimize renewable energy sources and enhance grid reliability.

Arizona Law Prevents Local Restrictions on Natural Gas Use in Buildings

Texas Adopts Weatherization Rule to Ensure Natural Gas Supply During Emergencies

The Texas Railroad Commission on Aug. 30 adopted a weatherization rule for natural gas facilities to ensure gas supply to power plants and avoid electricity disruption during weather events. The rule establishes Weather Emergency Preparedness Standards pursuant to Senate Bill 3 enacted in 2021 in response to Winter Storm Uri that affected the south-central U.S.,…...

U.S. Energy Department Announces Crude Oil Purchase to Test Market

Court Rules Two 2018 Oil Leases in Gulf of Mexico Unlawful

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on Aug. 30 ruled two oil leases – lease sales 250 and 251 – conducted by the Interior Department during the Trump administration in the Gulf of Mexico were unlawful. In 2020, a federal district court declared that the sales were valid, and environmental groups…...

U.S. Energy Department Announces Crude Oil Purchase to Test Market

Court Permanently Blocks Pause on Oil and Gas Leasing in 13 States

A Louisiana federal judge on Aug. 18 issued a permanent injunction preventing the Biden administration from blocking oil and gas leasing on federal lands in 13 states, a day after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit lifted an earlier injunction against the administration’s pause on leasing. Judge Terry Doughty of the Louisiana…...

gas exports pulse

U.S. Natural Gas Exports to Mexico Through West Texas Border at Record Highs

Natural gas pipeline exports from West Texas to Mexico were documented to be at record levels at 1.6 billion cubic feet per day (bcf/d) during May 2022, according to an Aug. 18 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The administration also reported U.S. gas pipeline exports to average 1.4 bcf/d for the period Jan-May…...

russian gas exports pulse

Russian Gas Pipeline Exports to Europe Close to 40 Year Lows: EIA

Russian pipeline gas exports to the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) dropped by nearly 40 percent during the first seven months of 2022 compared to the same period last year, according to an Aug. 9 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration based on data from Refinitiv Eikon. The key driver of…...

eia pulse gas

U.S. Coal Production Declined by a Record 25 Percent in 2020: EIA

In 2020, seven U.S. states experienced the largest declines in their annual energy production in the last six decades, according to an Aug. 8 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. This is due to the decrease in economic activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Among all the states in the U.S., Wyoming experienced a…...