Community Choice Aggregators Seek Equitable Cost Allocation in PG&E’s Rate Case

Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s proposed allocation of customer service-related costs in its rate case for the 2020-2022 period fails to reflect the cost differentials between bundled and unbundled electric distribution customers, according to a group of community choice aggregators operating in the utility’s territory. The differentials have become important with the advent of community…

EIA Utility Rate Cases

Utility Regulators Approved Total Electric Rate Increase of $2.8 Billion Last Year: EIA

Last year, 89 utilities, representing nearly half of all major U.S. electric utilities, filed rate cases with state regulatory commissions, the largest number since 1983, according to a July 19 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The aggregated value of utility-rate hike requests in 2018 was $6.8 billion, and regulators approved a total increase…

FirstEnergy Tax Cut Savings Grid Modernization

FirstEnergy to Refund $900 Million in Federal Tax Cut Savings, Advance $500 Million Grid Modernization Plan

The Ohio Public Utilities Commission on July 17 adopted a settlement requiring FirstEnergy Corp.’s distribution utilities to revise their rates to reflect the savings from the federal tax cut law that slashed the corporate income tax rate to 21 percent from 35 percent, effective Jan. 1, 2018. The agreement calls for credits and rate revisions…

Puget Sound Energy, Avista Implement COVID-19 Bill Assistance Programs for Washington Customers

DTE Electric to Test Time-Based Rates for Michigan Residential Customers

DTE Electric Company asked the Michigan Public Service Commission to approve a pilot program that will test six distinct rates within the residential rate class, according to a July 19 filing. In May, the agency provided an extension to the implementation of the time-of-use rate structure ordered last year and authorized the company to test…

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California Lawmakers Rush $21 Billion Wildfire Liability Bill to Save Embattled Utilities

Lawmakers in California quickly approved legislation providing investor-owned utilities with $21 billion to help them pay for wildfire damages linked to their transmission equipment. Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom signed the bill on July 12. The bill gives companies two options. One is a $10.5 billion state-backed line of credit to pay for wildfire damages that…

Transmission requirements

Minnesota Power Seeks Over $30 Million in Cost Recovery for Transmission Projects

Minnesota Power, a unit of ALLETE Inc., proposed a rate adjustment to recover the costs related to on-going transmission projects, which include the 500-kilovolt Great Northern Transmission Line that will deliver 383 megawatts of hydropower from Manitoba Hydro beginning in 2020, according to a July 9 filing with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. The company…

Minnesota Revenue Decoupling

Xcel’s Revenue Decoupling Program Saves $13 Million for Minnesota Electric Customers

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission on June 25 approved Xcel Energy Inc.’s 2018 rate adjustments for its revenue decoupling mechanism, which results in bill credits totaling $13 million for residential and small business customers that are subject to the program. The adjustment is calculated to match the actual electric revenue per customer to the level…

Arizona Corporation Commissioners Propose Retail Electric Competition Rules

Massachusetts Regulator Looks to Improve Consumer Protection Following Retail Supplier Complaints

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities will host the first meeting on June 26 for working groups tasked with discussing measures that promote and protect consumer interests in the retail electric competitive supply market, according to a June 14 memorandum. The regulator issued an order on Jan. 23 opening the investigation, which will discuss measures including…

New York Governor Announces Creation of Special Counsel for Ratepayer Protection

New York Flags Four Energy Marketers Over Violations

The New York Public Service Commission has flagged four energy service companies (ESCOs) over their failure to submit annual compliance filings under Unifrom Business Practices, according to June 14 notices. Bluesource Energy LLC failed to submit the yearly statement (January 31 Statement) that the information and attachments contained in the ESCO’s Retail Access Application Form and…

Negative Revenue Adjustments’ for Missing Performance Targets

New York Utilities Face $6 Million in ‘Negative Revenue Adjustments’ for Missing Performance Targets

The New York Public Service Commission imposed negative adjustments in the revenues of the New York State Electric & Gas Corporation, Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, and Orange and Rockland Utilities Inc. for shortfalls in their reliability and customer service metrics last year. Major storms continue to challenge utilities, accounting for more than 80…

Court Finalizes $2.2 Billion SCE&G Ratepayer Settlement

Court Finalizes $2.2 Billion SCE&G Ratepayer Settlement

The Court of Common Pleas in Hampton County on June 11 finalized a settlement in a class action lawsuit over the costs that South Carolina Electric & Gas Company’s electric ratepayers have incurred towards the abandoned VC Summer nuclear power project. The settlement includes a $115 million cash component, an estimated $60 million to $85…

New Jersey Rejects Williams' Northeast Supply Enhancement Gas Line, Joining New York

New Jersey Rejects Williams’ Northeast Supply Enhancement Gas Line, Joining New York

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection denied Williams Partners LP a water quality certification for its nearly $1 billion Northeast Supply Enhancement natural gas project, over concerns that it would “adversely impact surface water quality”, according to a June 6 press release. The move follows the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s decision just last month to deny “without…