U.S. Energy Department Launches $6 Billion Program to Sustain Ailing Nuclear Power Plants

DOE Invests $175 Million in Advanced Energy Projects Across 22 States

The U.S. Energy Department on Feb. 14 announced a $175 million funding for 68 research and development projects to foster the commercial deployment of advanced technologies including fusion energy, electric vehicles, and offshore wind. The initiative is led by the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) wherein the OPEN 2021 program will prioritize funding to support…...

U.S. Energy Department Launches $6 Billion Program to Sustain Ailing Nuclear Power Plants

U.S. Energy Department Launches $6 Billion Program to Sustain Ailing Nuclear Power Plants

The U.S. Energy Department on Feb. 11 launched the $6 billion nuclear credits program approved by Congress in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, enacted in November 2021, to provide federal aid to existing financially-challenged nuclear plants at risk of closing. The agency released a request for information (RFI) about various parameters of the program,…...

Pennsylvania exported 78 million megawatt hours (MWh) of generated electricity

Pennsylvania Becomes Top Electricity Exporting State in 2020: EIA

Pennsylvania exported 78 million megawatt hours (MWh) of generated electricity to neighbouring states in 2020. This is the highest among any other state, despite other states such as Texas and Florida, producing more electricity, according to a Feb. 7 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. During 2020 more than 230 million MWh of electricity…...

New York Commission Approves Transfer of Entergy’s Nuclear Plants

New York Commission Approves Transfer of Entergy’s Nuclear Plants

The New York State Public Service Commission has approved an agreement allowing the corporate transfer of four upstate nuclear power plants from their parent company Exelon Corporation, to a newly formed, independent parent entity. The deal provides $331 million in financial support for the state’s nuclear facilities and includes protections regarding decommissioning and enhanced state…...

Virginia Regulator Approves $650 Million Grid Transformation Plan for Dominion Energy

Infrastructure Bill Provides Over $62 Billion for U.S. Energy Department Initiatives

U.S. President Joe Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law on Nov.15, unlocking $62 billion for U.S. Energy Department initiatives, including revitalizing domestic manufacturing, expanding access to energy efficiency and clean energy, modernizing the power grid, and advancing next-generation technologies. Among the major provisions, the legislation allocates $6 billion for a Civilian…...

Visual Primer: Carbon Reduction Goals Prompt Lawmakers to Rethink Nuclear Power Policy

Visual Primer: Carbon Reduction Goals Prompt Lawmakers to Rethink Nuclear Power Policy

Carbon reduction goals are driving policy support to keep financially-struggling nuclear generation plants operating and encourage new reactors. The fuel diversity and zero-carbon attributes of the resource are fueling the policy debate over its role in meeting state and federal energy and environmental goals.

Visual Primer: Wave Towards 100 Percent Clean Power Intensifies as Illinois and Oregon Join the Pack

Visual Primer: Wave Towards 100 Percent Clean Power Intensifies as Illinois and Oregon Join the Pack

The importance of U.S. state renewable portfolio standards (RPS) continues to grow, with recent changes reflecting the trend of strengthening renewable energy targets. Several states have expanded their RPS programs to broader clean energy standards, which establish milestones to achieve a carbon-free electricity supply.

Solar Panels Power Plants

Illinois Law Requires 100 Percent Clean Energy, Aids Nuclear Plants

Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker, a Democrat, signed legislation on Sept. 15 that puts the state on the path to 100 percent clean energy by 2050. The law sets a goal of 50 percent renewable energy by 2040 and provides financial support for the states’ existing nuclear plants at risk of closure due to market…...

U.S. Energy Consumption Reached Record Low in 2020: EIA

U.S. Energy Consumption Reached Record Low in 2020: EIA

U.S.energy consumption totaled 92.9 quadrillion British thermal units in 2020, a record 7 percent decrease from 2019, according to a June 4 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Renewable energy consumption increased by 2 percent, whereas all other fuels decreased: coal by 19 percent, petroleum by 13 percent, natural gas by 2 percent, and…...

Visual Primer: Rapidly Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape Reignites Concerns About Critical Infrastructure Vulnerability

Visual Primer: Rapidly Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape Reignites Concerns About Critical Infrastructure Vulnerability

A recent ransomware attack that shut down the Colonial Pipeline system, which supplies nearly half the fuel consumed on the East Coast, has elevated concerns about the use of cyberattacks to paralyze key infrastructure. The incident is the latest example of intrusions exposing U.S. cyber vulnerabilities, calling for stronger measures to secure the nation’s energy pipelines and critical infrastructure against increasingly sophisticated and malicious attacks.

Visual Primer: Preserving Existing Nuclear Generation Fleet Expected to Help Drive Clean Energy Transition

Visual Primer: Preserving Existing Nuclear Generation Fleet Expected to Help Drive Clean Energy Transition

Options to sustain the existing nuclear generation fleet have resurfaced as states reevaluate their resource portfolios to expedite the transition to carbon-free energy. Policy support for the resource emerged as a means to stave off plant closures in the face of economic challenges, by rewarding its fuel diversity and zero-carbon attributes.