U.S. Interior Department Approves Utility Corridor For Enefit’s Oil Shale Project in Utah

U.S. Interior Department Approves Utility Corridor For Enefit’s Oil Shale Project in Utah

The Bureau of Land Management on Sept. 26 authorized right-of-way grants for the Enefit American Oil Utility Corridor Project which would provide access, natural gas, electricity, and water to Enefit American Oil’s South Project while allowing transport of processed oil. The South Project comprises commercial oil shale mining operations on 7,000- acre to 9,000-acres of…

Trump Administration to Offer 78 Million Acres in Gulf of Mexico Oil, Gas Lease Sale

Trump Administration to Offer 78 Million Acres in Gulf of Mexico Oil, Gas Lease Sale

The U.S. Interior Department proposed to offer all available unleased areas in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas leasing in the auction to be held in March 2019, according to a Sept. 25 press release. The auction marks the fourth offshore sale under the 2017-2022 leasing program. The last auction held in August…

U.S. Crude Oil Exports Rose by 80 Percent During First Half of 2018 Amid Growing Production

U.S. Crude Oil Exports Rose by 80 Percent During First Half of 2018 Amid Growing Production: EIA

The U.S. exported 7.3 million barrels per day of crude oil and petroleum products in the first half of 2018, the largest recorded for the first six months of a year, according to a Sept. 24 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Crude oil exports, which exceeded hydrocarbon liquids exports, were about 80 percent…

U.S. Supreme Court Allows Use of Social Cost of Carbon

Trump Administration Eases Rules on Methane Emissions From Oil, Natural Gas Drilling

The Bureau of Land Management on Sept. 18 issued final revisions to an Obama-era rule aimed at reducing the waste of methane, a potent global warming pollutant, from venting, flaring, and leaks during oil and natural gas drilling operations. The final rule largely re-establishes the requirements that were in place before the 2016 rule, which,…