Georgia Regulator Clears 4.3-Megawatt Power Contract Under Georgia Power’s Customer-Sited Solar Program

Colorado Rule Paves Way for Utility Investment in Battery Projects

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission adopted rules to incorporate energy storage procurement into utilities’ long-term planning processes, taking an important step towards harnessing the emerging technology, according to a Dec. 12 decision. The move follows legislation enacted in June 2018 directing the commission to establish a process by February 2019 for electric utilities to evaluate…...

MISO Proposes Market Rules for Electric Storage Resource Category

MISO Proposes Market Rules for Electric Storage Resource Category

The Midcontinent Independent System Operator Inc. on Dec. 3 proposed revisions to facilitate deeper integration of energy storage resources across its region. The grid operator proposed a new electric storage resource category providing unique modeling, offer parameters, operating limitations, and settlement provisions that recognize the characteristics of energy storage resources. MISO said that the filing…

New York Adopts Targets to Achieve 3 Gigawatts Energy Storage, Double Energy Efficiency Progress

New York Adopts Targets to Achieve 3 Gigawatts Energy Storage, Double Energy Efficiency Progress

The New York Public Service Commission on Dec. 13 set an energy storage target of 3,000 megawatts by 2030 pursuant to legislation enacted last year, with an interim goal of 1,500 megawatt by 2025. The new storage target is the most ambitious nationwide compared to California’s goal of 1,300 megawatts by 2020 and New Jersey’s recently adopted target of…

U.S. Energy Department Picks Kentucky University for $120 Million Battery Science Program

U.S. Energy Department Picks Kentucky University for $120 Million Battery Science Program

The U.S. Energy Department will partner with the University of Kentucky to explore breakthrough energy storage technologies in the second phase of the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research, the agency’s innovation hub dedicated to battery science. Established in 2012, the mission of the hub is to create next-generation technologies that can transform the transportation…

PJM Proposes Market Design to Integrate Battery Storage

PJM Proposes Market Design to Integrate Battery Storage

PJM Interconnection LLC filed revisions with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for market rules that would provide greater flexibility for energy storage resources participating in the wholesale market to manage system operations when charging, discharging or providing continuous electrical service across their full dispatchable range. PJM said the proposal includes modifications, where necessary, to the capacity, energy…

U.S. Energy Department Examines Value of Pumped Hydro Storage for Grid Resilience Amid Growing Renewable Generation

U.S. Energy Department Examines Value of Pumped Hydro Storage for Grid Resilience Amid Growing Renewable Generation

The U.S. Energy Department selected two pumped-storage hydropower projects to conduct techno-economic studies in a bid to examine their long-term value, according to a Dec. 3 news release. The department said that the continued growth of variable renewable generation is having an impact on the value these projects provide to the grid. Pumped hydro projects…

Duke Energy Completes $1 Billion Green Bond Transaction to Advance Renewables in the Carolinas

Duke Energy Completes $1 Billion Green Bond Transaction to Advance Renewables in the Carolinas

Duke Energy Carolinas, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, issued $1 billion in green bonds to finance zero emission projects such as solar and energy storage in North and South Carolina, according to a Nov. 9 press release. The bonds, which mark the company’s first clean energy investment offering, have a weighted average coupon of 3.74…

New England Grid Operator Proposes Market Design to Integrate Battery Storage

New England Grid Operator Proposes Market Design to Integrate Battery Storage

ISO New England Inc. filed revisions with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a new market design that would help emerging storage technologies to “more fully participate” in the wholesale power markets, according to an Oct. 29 news release. The rule would recognize the ability of batteries to transition continuously and rapidly from charging to…

New Jersey Regulator Announces Energy Storage Analysis to Help Achieve 2 Gigawatt Goal

New Jersey Regulator Announces Energy Storage Analysis to Help Achieve 2 Gigawatt Goal

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities approved a six-month contract beginning Nov. 1 with Rutgers University to conduct an analysis of energy storage, according to the agency’s Oct. 29 press release. The state enacted legislation in May that sets a target to reach 600 megawatts of storage by 2021 and 2,000 megawatts by 2030.…

U.S. Energy Department Partners With Industry to Tap Lead Battery Potential for Vehicles, Power Grid

U.S. Energy Department Partners With Industry to Tap Lead Battery Potential for Vehicles, Power Grid

The U.S. Energy Department’s Argonne National Laboratory signed an agreement with 14 members of the Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium to explore the next generation of lead batteries making it more attractive to the automotive industry and the power grid, according to an Oct. 19 press release. Lead battery makers have largely focused on the…

California Regulator Clears 175 Megawatts of Energy Storage Contracts for Resource Adequacy, Distribution Deferral

California Regulator Clears 175 Megawatts of Energy Storage Contracts for Resource Adequacy, Distribution Deferral

The California Public Utilities Commission approved Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s energy storage contracts totaling 165 megawatts with six storage resources including a 20-megawatt project that would provide distribution deferral services, according to an Oct. 19 decision. The commission also authorized a 10-megawatt contract proposed by Southern California Edison Company. The contracts stem from a…

New York Simplifies Grid Connection for Energy Storage as it Seeks to Meet Half of Electricity Needs With Renewables by 2030

New York Simplifies Grid Connection for Energy Storage as it Seeks to Meet Half of Electricity Needs With Renewables by 2030

The New York Public Service Commission updated the Standardized Interconnection Requirements for renewable distributed generators including energy storage systems. With these revisions to the application and technical study process, the regulator wants to achieve a more transparent and faster interconnection process, allowing the utility to analyze and process a high volume of applications and helping…